Positive impact our new Principal Mrs. Warner

One amazing Mom’s excerpt of the positive impact our new Principal Mrs. Warner has had:

I am grateful for your presence at BRE and for you attempting to resurrect our school from this chaos that has ensued. I have the upmost faith that you are extremely capable and will do great things at BRE. I’m not sure if you had a choice in the matter to come to BRE, but I am very grateful that you were chosen. You come with such high regard from many in the community, especially our most cherished principal at BRE ever, Mr. Rod Federwisch. In addition, you and I met long ago when you were a customer at my mothers’ retail establishment in the local community, and I thoroughly enjoyed our conversation.

Your personality and demeanor have already brought change and impacted BRE in a positive way, which was felt and noticed on your first day on campus this week. As you spoke I felt the tension release in the room, and I want to thank you for that because I want our school to be a fun and happy place.

I think this is a Truly amazing ❤️ positive shift.