New Principal Mrs Warner

Please continue to support our amazing Principal Mrs. Warner and Assistant Principal Mrs. Freedman! They are working Soo hard to help our kids and respond to our many emails.

Give them little slack and focus on main immediate issues. It’s going to be a long road ahead and we need to support them.

Say Hi and tell them that we are lucky to have such powerful 💪 caring ❤️ woman helping our kids succeed!

Volunteer in classroom and help out with any school functions coming up to help BRE return to greatness it was before! We can do this together! We have proven we can unite quickly so don’t loose the momentum!

Day 1 principal and assistant principal were outside in front of school greeting the students and talking to the parents!

Mrs. Warner spoke at PTA this morning and asked parents to come volunteer!! Best way for school to succeed is parent involvement! Parents are soo important! Help the PTA, room moms, and volunteer in classroom! You can help virtually too and get things prepared on weekend for school or class event!