2 Teachers under investigation on 1/31

This first victory was bittersweet as we accomplished our goal to obtain new administrative leadership, but there are still much to fight for

  1. Same day lost 2 more teachers, who are under investigation by the District:
    1. Currie and Hernandez.
    2. 2 amazing teachers that were part of the BRE family!!
  2. Difficult for the kids to adjust in Crums class since she left and the long-term.
  3. Substitute options are minimal and we need good long term subs.
  4. We still need to get our teachers and kids supported!
  5. Kids that need additional behavior help, some with special needs.
  6. Solve our bullying problem!

Now I wish I could say our schools different than other schools. But I am hearing for other schools in district that they are having similar issues with.